CNI News

24 January 2024

Because foreign migrant workers including Myanmar nationals are without jobs stranded in Malaysia by the thousand, Malaysian authorities are reducing the number of migrant workers by arresting instead of creating jobs for them, Myanmar people in Malaysia told CNI News. 

As Malaysia's economy has greatly declined, Malaysian government would not be able to create jobs for foreign migrant workers or to issue any more of evidence documents, Hmwar Michael living in Malaysia, told CNI News.

" Even legal migrant workers are living on basic salary. There is no possibility that Malaysian government will create jobs for overstayers or undocumented workers because the country's economy has declined. Undocumented workers could be sent back by conducting surprise checks." he said.

While the Malaysian government is arresting illegal migrant workers

There have been no new job offers for Myanmar nationals from Malaysia since 2021. Myanmar workers who were offered jobs before the Covid-19 pandemic are being sent to Malaysia. However, as the number of illegal workers is being reduced at present, new workers might be offered in April 2024, U Win Myint, managing director of Lucky Overseas Employment Agency, told CNI News.

" New workers might be offered in April 2024, I think. Although many KDN approvals were granted under the previous Prime Minister, the current government doesn't allow to renew the KDN approvals. The authorities are trying to arrest illegal workers in a big way. After arrests like this, offering new workers will be allowed, I think." he said.

Although migrant people from Bangladesh and Nepal arrived in Malaysia by the thousand last year, the jobs promised to give them could not be available, authorities said at the press conference held a few days ago.

Because of volatile economy, granting job quotas would be reviewed depending each country and job quotas for every sector would be allowed to transfer, said Malaysian authorities.

While the Malaysian government is arresting illegal migrant workers

Telling like that didn't mean that new workers from the countries that have agreed with Malaysia would be offered, U Barbu Gyi who is helping in the affairs of Myanmar nationals, told CNI News.

" There are four main places - factory, service, construction and agriculture. Factory and service sectors don't need any workers. But agriculture and construction still needs workers Among those who applied for permits with the RTK 2.0 system in Malaysia, the applicants who are surplus from factory and service sectors are asked to apply in construction and agriculture sectors. It doesn't mean to call new workers from 15 countries." he said.

There are arrests every day in Malaysia and the number of foreign migrant workers who have been arrested by the thousand. 

Moreover, if Myanmar national were late to apply for Rekalibrasi permit register in the list at a time like this, it wouldn't be easy and the government has not reopened officially, suggested Myanmar organizations in Malaysia.