CNI News

25 January 2024

Although foreign countries have sent orders for Myanmar coffee like previous years, it is difficult to export the coffee due to the current situations within the country, according to coffee entrepreneurs. 

Some coffee farms in Shan State were having trouble picking coffee beans and there were difficulties in transprting coffee. So, it is difficult to export the full amount on the orders, U Min Hlaing, founder of Sita Coffee, from Mandalay, told CNI News.

" Even though orders have been received, coffee beans cannot be picked in some coffee farms. Coffee cannot be produced as much as needed. Orders regularly enter. Coffee beans cannot be picked in some coffee farms such as those in Naunghkio Township. In Ywar Ngan, buyers don't dare to buy a lot. Some people have suspended coffee industry." he said.

Although there were reports that exporting Myanmar coffee from border trade was forbidden and it must only be shipped by sea, at present any route could be used, according to coffee entrepreneurs. 

The current time is when the coffee beans are ripe and the beans are picked and produced from December to March. And then coffee is sold all the year round from late April.

While coffee beans are being selected

There are limitations in allocating farms to promote coffee production reportedly. Moreover, because there were policies controlling export promotion, coffee export had not progressed as much as it should have, U Ye Myint, patron of Myanmar Coffee Association, told CNI News.

" Whether you export by border trade or by sea, the main thing is to sell your goods. If you want to sell at higher market, exporting by sea is convenient. Your coffee can be exported your coffee to Japan, Europe, England and US only by sea. If we can produce more, we can export more. Demands have increased. Sometimes people think 'if you promote exporting, will it work for you?' 65 percent of the export earning dollars must be exchanged to Myanmar kyats at the price designated by the Central Bank in the past. But now 35 percent only must be exchanged to Myanmar kyats at the price designated." he said.

While seeing Myanmar coffee beans

Although Myanmar coffee can be sold at a profitable price, main routes that were used to export to China and Thailand cannot be used for the time being due to the battles. So, other routes are being used. However, as coffee production has declined, the amount that orders have demanded will not be fully exported, according to businessmen.

Coffee is grown most in Shan State and Pyin Oo Lwin, Mandalay Region and it is also grown in Chin State. Myanmar coffee is being exported to Switzerland, Taiwan, China, Thailand, US, Britain, Iceland, South Korea, Japan, Germany and UAE reportedly.