CNI News

24 January 2024

The Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) told the Shan State Progressive Party (SSPP/SSA) not to do matters such as money collection, military and administrative affairs, including recruitment of troops in Namkham Township where there have been peace and stability in a letter sent to the SSPP by the TNLA. 

The letter was sent on 21st January 2024 to the head of Ally Affairs Department of the SSPP.

The TNLA stated in its letter that its community administrative groups reported that the SSPP was working to force the local Shan people to form a village security force and to serve in the military for the SSPP. 

The people in Namkham area have been free and independent now. and the TNLA that drove off Burmese military dictator's soldiers has taken the responsibility in order to make Namkham Township stable and develop in accordance with the will of the people in the township, said in the letter sent to the SSPP.

While seeing the letter sent to the SSPP by the TNLA

" So, the TNLA makes a special request to the SSPP, a brotherhood ally, not to proceed with matters such as money collection, carrying out military and administrative affairs including recruiting troops in Namkham Township where there have had peace and stability." said in the letter.

If the SSPP went on carrying out those matters against the people's desire, because unwanted problems would arise between the two brotherhood allies, the letter of request was sent. said the TNLA.

" Most of the people living in Namkham Township are Shan people. So, the SSPP carries out administrative issues. It's not wrong. And the SSPP has been active in Namkham since before. The TNLA has wanted the port in Sellant of the SSPP. After controlling Namkham, the TNLA wants to get a Chinese border exit. Sham people won't accept to be ruled by Palaung. The fighting might take place between the two sides sort of." 

said a Namkham resident.

The TNLA has been participating in the Operation-1027 that was launched on 27th October 2023 and has controlled Namkham, Nansang, Mang Ton, Mong Ngor, Namtu, Kutkai and Theinni. 

However, the SSPP has been active in Namkham and Theinni Townships since before and has increased its military strength in the townships reportedly.