CNI News

27 January , 2024

The Pa-O National Organization (PNO) wouldn't choose the way that would hurt the people, Saw Khun Kyaw Win, central executive of the PNO told CNI News. The joint forces of the Pa-O National Liberation Organization (PNLO), the Karenni National Defense Force and the People's Defense Force (PDF) recently attacked Sesai Town in southern Shan State on 24th January 2024.

The joint forces attacked the Tatmadaw and the PNO's check point and residents of Sesai have fled to safety reportedly.

The policy of the PNO has been ' we have no enemy' since before as a political party, not as an armed group. They might choose the way that will hurt the people, but we won't. If we unavoidably experienced the situation that might hurt the people, we would try to minimize the impact on the public." said Saw Khun Ktaw Win.  

While seeing revolutionary forces

Although CNI News contacted the officials of the PNLO to know more about the attack of Sesai, they made no answer. At present, residents of Sesai fled to Taunggyi, and Hopong and the number of IDPs has not been known as yet, a resident of Taunggyi helping IDPs told CNI News.

" There have been very few people in Sesai just now. I don't know how many people have left the town exactly.  Some of them have asked for help. Most of them have gone to Taunggyi. Many of them don't have enough money to travel. There aren't enough cars. They are getting into trouble. We are to give them money for transport or gasoline." he said.

27 houses of San Phoo Village were burned and damaged after a battle broke out between the PNO/PNA and the Pa-O National Liberation Army (PNLA). After the PNO agreed for peace with the Tatmadaw and it ruled the Pa-O region which was designated as the Special Region (6).

After that, the PNO registered at the Union Election Commission as a political party in 2010.

So, the PNO is standing not only as militia but also as a political party and administering the Pa-O Autonomous Region containing Pinlaung, Sesai and Hopong Townships.

The PNLO/PNLA has been active in Sesai, Hopong, Mawkmai regions and Mawkmai has been designated as its headquarters.