CNI News

22 January 2024

The State Administration Council (SAC) has formed the committee that will take action against posting pornographic materials, fake news and  political attacking to social network (internet) according to the law reportedly.

Deputy Minister for Home Affairs takes responsibility as the chairman of the committee, and Deputy Minister for Transport and Telecommunication, as vice chairman, and Deputy Director General (1) of Myanmar Police Force, as secretary, and Chief of Criminal Police, as associate secretary, and Deputy Director General of the Ministry of Transport and Telecommunication, as associate secretary (2).

While monitoring internet users

Moreover, Director General of the Ministry of Law Affairs, Director General of the Ministry of Information, a delegate from the Office of the Chief of Military Security Affairs, and  Director General of the Central Bank of Myanmar, and Deputy Director General of Special Investigation Department, the Ministry of Home Affairs, and Head of the Department of Crime and Law, Myanmar Police Force have take responsibilities as members reportedly.

The committee will form a team that contains technological experts and monitor posting fake news, disinformation, pornographic materials that are inconsistent with Myanmar traditional culture and politically attacking description to internet around the clock.

Regarding the above-mentioned issues, posting, live broadcasting, sharing and encouragement will be technologically detected and the culprits will be taken action against effectively in accordance with the law, said in the statement.