CNI News

5 April  2024

The United Wa State Army (UWSA)/the United Wa State Party (UWSP) will have made peace with the Myanmar Tatmadaw for 35 years on 17th April, 2024 and the UWSA/UWSP has raised its flags in its region. 

The UWSA broke away from the Communist Party of Burma and made peace with the Myanmar Tatmadaw on 17th April 1989.

Making peace will have been 35 years old on 17th April, 2024 and ceremonies will be held. The Wa region was designated as the Special Region-2 and the UWSA was given the self-administration.

While the UWSA flags have been raised to mark the 35th anniversary of making peace (CJ)

According to the section 56 (f) of the current 2008 Constitution, Hopang, Mongmao, Panwai, Nahpang, Metman and Pangsang (Pangkhang) Townships were divided into two districts and the region was designated as the Wa Self-Administered Division.

All these townships are being administered by the UWSA. the UWSA is more stronger than any other EAOs within the country in manpower, weapon and finance, and has won the confederation status.