CNI News

28 March 2024

Some Myanmar people who went to press their fingerprints for the Ricarlibraci permits were arrested, those who are helping in the affairs of Myanmar citizens, told
Ricarlibraci permit told CNI News. 

Those who have already submitted the permit registration list must carry out the approval of the employer, pressing fingerprints and medical checkups in the end of March at the latest.

There are two kinds of submitting the name list and one is allowed and the other, not allowed. However, because agents gave priority to their interests, some Myanmar citizens were arrested, U Barbu Gyi, a person who is helping Myanmar citizens in Malaysia, told CNI News.

While Myanmar people are pressing fingerprints

" For example, overstayers four or five years ago or those who have become overstayers after having permits in the past can apply for permits, which they said, but any one who entered in 2023 are not allowed to apply for permit. Those who entered through the Thai border illegally are not allowed to apply for permit, which they have clearly announced. Agents and brokers should warn that. But agents or brokers registered for those who entered through the Thai border illegally. When they went to press their fingerprints, immigration department scrutinized and found out that they made mistakes and then they were arrested. This happens almost everyday." he said.

Undocumented foreign migrant people were allowed to register to apply for permit until the end of December, 2023.

Ricarlibraci permits (RTK 2.0) stickers will be issued until the end of June at the latest and  pressing fingerprints will be performed until the end of March at the latest, Malaysian Ministry of Immigration has stated.

While seeing the immigration department in Malaysia

when a worker was arrested like this, his employer and a person who helped applied for permit could vouch for him and if their arguments were complete, he could be released, U Aung, chairman of the Ratana Sekka Funeral Service in Malaysia, told CNI News.

" In my opinion, there might be a disconnect between the Myanmar Embassy in Malaysia and the Immigration Department in Myanmar. That passport book represents Myanmar wherever you are in Thailand or Malaysia. I wonder how the Myanmar Embassy has connected with the Malaysian government. Last month, a company received 200 workers. If there were about 100 workers left to apply, they would be allowed to apply until 31st March 2024. Mainly, it's just necessary to fill any more of 100. So, other agents bought permits from the company and they refilled workers." he said. 

Most of those who were arrested were comers from Thailand and fake book holders were included as well reportedly.

Those who have held the books and nominated for the permit should not take risk, suggested the people who are helping in the affairs of Myanmar citizens.