CNI News

19 January 2024

The question has emerged if the temporary ceasefire agreed between the Tatmadaw and the Three Brotherhood Alliance (MNDAA, TNLA and AA) because of the China's mediation is just for the interests of both China and Myanmar. 

The ceasefire was agreed after three day discussion from 9th to 11th January 2024, over two months after the Operation-1027 was launched.

He heard that the ceasefire did not contain Rakhine State where the Arakan Army (AA) has been active and battles were breaking out near a Chinese project, Dr.Aye Maung, chairman of the Arakan Front Party (AFP), told CNI News.

" To the best of my knowledge, the ceasefire doesn't contain Rakhine State. Northern Shan State, as you know, has the main road of China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). The battles are breaking out along the road. The BRI will contain expressway, railway and motorway and it will pass Kokang region, Mandalay and Tigyaing. Namkham where battles broke out is near the Chinese gas and petroleum pipeline of the China National Petroleum Company (CNPC). The peace and stability of that region is important to the BRI and CNPC's pipeline as well as China-Myanmar trade corridor. Because the current battles are damaging the interests of the two countries, Chinese mediation seems to contain a political give and take." he said.

While seeing a deep water port project in Rakhine State

China seemed to believe the current Myanmar political problem must be solved by authorities, EAOs and the public, added Dr.Aye Maung.

" China seems to want solving the problem militarily to be part of the ability to solve politically. Whether it is temporarily accepted or not depends on the results of political discussion. China will mainly take care of Zha Pian, BRI and pipeline, I think. China seems to define Myanmar's armed conflict must be solved by Myanmar government, EAOs and the public." he said.

During the Operation-1027, the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) has captured Laukkai, Kon Kyan, Kunlong, Pang Sai, Mong Ko, Phaung Sai, Hsenni, Chin Shwe Haw and the Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) also has captured Namkham, Kutkai, Mang Ton, Nangsang, Namtu, Mong Lon, Mong Ngor. 

Battles have decreased for the time being in northern Shan State. On the other hand, the battles are severely breaking out between the Tatmadaw and the Arakan Army (AA) in Rakhine State and Paletwa Township, Chin State.

While seeing Paletwa Town

The AA had already captured northern Rakhine State and Paletwa Town, U Than Soe Naing, a Myanmar political commentator told CNI News.

" The AA has already captured northern Rakhine State and Paletwa Town. And then, it will start attacking southern Rakhine State. The AA will make an effort to be able to capture the Danyawadi navy camp, I think. So, battles will be intense in Rakhine State." he said.

There are many Chinese investment projects in Myanmar namely Kyaukphyu Special Economic Zone, Myitsone Dam, Flyover Railway, Kanpaiktee Economic Cooperation Zone, Muse-Mandalay Electric Railway, Ruili-Mandalay-Kyaukphyu Expressway, China-Myanmar Trade Route and so on.